Touken Komachi

Katana, Koshirae
Mumsei, no signature (Tegai)
[ Signature ] omote : no signature ura : -
[ Size ] Blade length 71.2cm (2 shaku 3 sun 5 bu 0 rin), sori 0.6cm (2 bu 0 rin), moto-haba 2.95cm, moto-kasane 0.61cm, saki-haba 2.17 cm, saki-kasane 0.47 cm, mekugi-ana(holes) 2, blade weight 712.5g , shirasaya length 98.5cm
[ Period ] Nan-boku-cho dynastiy through beginning of Muromachi
[ Province ] Yamato "大和"

[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri. Iori-mune. Mihaba is ordinal. High shinogi attached. Shinogi-haba is wide. Moderate sori attached. Chu-kissaki extended form.
Nakago : O-suri-age. Yasurimes are kiri. Saki is kiri. Two holes.
Jigane : Itame-hada, with some changes. More or less, grained patterns come to be appeared.
Hamon : Narrow width sugu-ha. Habuchi shows some changes. Ko-nie attached.
Boushi : It runs in midare-komi. It turns in ko-maru form. Saki is haki-kake.

[ Highlight ] The Tegai school of swordsmiths was founded by Kanenaga in the Kamakura period (1185-1333) and lived near the Tegaimon gate of Todaiji temple. It continued to flourish until the Muromachi period (1333-1573). This work is thought to be by the Tegai school of the Muromachi period. The blade is characterized by its wide width, its fine straight blade with a small nie, its curved shape, and its boushi with a hakikake tip. Among the Yamato-den, it is appraised as a tegai-school's sword. It is stored in the uchi-gatana-koshirae (e.g. Kuro-ro-iro-nuri) with design of lion menuki and desing of peony fuchigashira.

[ Conditions ] There is some minor rust and fraying and a very small blade spill, but it can be preserved and appreciated in its present condition.

[ Attachments ] Habaki, koshirae, bag of koshirae and NBTHK hozon paper "保存刀剣鑑定書"(issued on 24th May Reiwa 3(2021))

[ Item number ] A070921 [ Price ] SOLD

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