Touken Komachi

Katana, Shirasaya
Mumei, attrbuted to Iwato Ichimonji
[ Signature ] omote : no signature ura : -

[ Size ] Blade length 64.6cm (2 shaku 1 sun 3 bu 2 rin), sori 1.7cm ( 5 bu 6 rin), moto-haba 2.63cm, moto-kasane 0.68cm, saki-haba 1.48 cm, saki-kasane 0.35 cm, mekugi-ana(holes) 3, blade weight 492g , shirasaya length 88cm

[ Period ] Kamakura "鎌倉", end of

[ Province ] Bizen "備前"

[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri. Iori-mune. Both mihaba and kasane are ordinal. High sori attached. Chû-kissaki form.
Nakago : Ô-suri-age. Yasurimes are kiris. Saki is kiri. Three holes.
Jigane : Itame-hada. Jinie attached. Chikei appeared. Pale midare-utsuri comes to appear.
Hamon : Chô-ji-midare. Gunomes mixed. Ashis, yôs and deep nioi appeared. Ko-nie attached. Kin-sens and sunagashis appeared.
Boushi : It runs in midare-komi. Saki is haki-kake.

[ Highlight ]I
A small Ichimonji school group of swordsmiths who live at Iwato-sô, Bizen from end of Kamakura period, they were called Iwato-Ichimonji "岩戸一文字". In the swordsmith directory, it mentions Yoshiuji "吉氏", but no evidential swords could not be found. So that it was considered that Yoshiie "吉家" was a representing swordsmith. Since there was a sword of Yoshiie "吉家" which has signature "一 備州岩戸住地頭左兵衛尉源吉家" with Gentoku "元徳" the name of an era, he was a lord of manor Bizen Iwato-o-shô "岩戸荘". This sword forging pattern comes to surface a little. Then pale utsuri comes to appear. The kashiras of chô-ji hamon line up evenly. Midare hamon which has a few differences of height. Those characteristics identify the sword of Iwato Ichimonji "岩戸一文字".

[ Conditions ]
The polish is so called furu-togi. However, original beauties come to appear and be appreciated by the polish maintenance called nugui-naoshi. No rust observed so that foggy part can be elminated by daily maintenance.

[ Attachments ]
Habaki ( suaka-ji, silver foiled, single), shirasaya, bag of shirasaya and NBTHK Tokubetsu hozon paper ( issued on 10th Dec. Heisei 30(2018))

[ Item number ] A050220 [ Price ] SOLD

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