Touken Komachi

Wakizashi, Shirasaya

No signature mumei (attributed to Tegai)

[ Signature ] omote : no signature ura : -
[ Size ] Blade length 45.9cm (1 shaku 5 sun 1 bu 5 rin), sori 0.9cm (2 bu 7 rin), moto-haba 2.78cm, moto-kasane 0.57cm, saki-haba 2.14 cm, saki-kasane 0.42 cm, mekugi-ana(hole) 1, blade weight 385.5.g , shirasaya length 67cm
[ Period ] Nan-boku-cho dynasty
[ Province ] Yamato "大和"

[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri. Iori-mune. Mihaba and kasane are both ordinal. Shinogi-haba is wide. Shallow sori attached. Chu-kissaki form.
Nakago : O-suri-age. Yasurimes are kiri. Saki is kiri. One hole.
Jigane : Itame-hada. Some changes mixed. Jinie attached.
Hamon : Narrow hoso-suguha. ko-gunomes-bas and ko-ashis mixed. Its outline has some distinctions. Ko-nie attached well. Nioikuchi is so clear.
Boushi : It runs in sugu. Form is ko-maru. Ni-jyu-bas mixed. Saki has a little haki-kake.

[ highlight ] The Yamato Tegai School was founded by Kanenaga "包永" around the middle of the Kamakura period. It flourished through the Northern and Southern Dynasties until the end of the Muromachi period. The name of this school is said to have originated from the fact that it lived near the Tengai or Tegai Gate of Todaiji Temple. This work has a wide width of Shinogi, and is made with an advanced nakago o-suri-age. This Wakizashi is made of well-grained jigane iron, with a fine straight narrow width blade hoso-suguha, and shows the characteristics of Yamato work. Although the style is simple, the double-edged nijyu-bas boushi and other features are very pleasing.

[ Conditions ] This is an old polish. It can be preserved and appreciated in its present state, but it would be a good time for polishing.

[ Attachments ] Habaki (suaka-ji, single), shirasaya and bag of shirasaya.

[ Item number ] A021121 [ Price ] JPY 220,000 (shipping and insurance fee are not included)

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